4-/6-channel wideband if to baseband receiver.
SNR = 90 dB in 1.25 MHz bandwidth to Nyquist SNR = 87 dB in 1.25 MHz bandwidth to 200 MHz Integrated 14-bit, 92.16 MSPS ADC IF sampling frequencies to 200 MHz Internal 2..
Multicarrier, multimode digital receivers GSM, EDGE, PHS, UMTS, WCDMA, CDMA2000,
TD-SCDMA, WiMAX Micro and pico cell sys.
... 4 Product Highlights . 5
Specifications..... 6 Recommended Operating Conditions ........ 6 ADC DC Specifications ... 6 ADC Digital Specifications ....... 6 ADC Switching Specifications.. 7 ADC AC Specifications ... 7 Electrical Characteristics. 8.
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