AD9656 converter
1.8 v analog-to-digital converter.1.8 v analog-to-digital converter.
SNR = 79.9 dBFS at 16 MHz (VREF = 1.4 V) SNR = 78.1 dBFS at 64 MHz (VREF = 1.4 V) SFDR = 86 dBc to Nyquist (VREF = 1.4 V) JESD204B Subclass 1 coded serial digital outputs.
Figure 1.
The AD9656 is a quad, 16-bit, 125 MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with an on-chip.
The AD9656 is a quad, 16-bit, 125 MSPS analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with an on-chip sample-and-hold circuit designed for low cost, low power, small size, and ease of use. The device operates at a conversion rate of up to 125 MSPS and is optimize.
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