* Ultra-low RMS Noise: 1.3μVRMS (10Hz to 100kHz)
* Ultra-low Spot Noise: 3.5nV/√Hz at 10kHz
* Ultra-low1/fNoise:11µVP-P from0.1Hz to 10Hz
* High PSRR at H.
* RF Power Supplies: PLLs, VCOs, Mixers, LNAs, PAs
* High Speed/High Precision Data Converters
* Low Noise I.
The LT®3078 is a low voltage, ultra-low noise, high power-supply rejection ratio (PSRR), and ultra-fast transient response linear regulator. The device supplies up to 5A with a typical dropout voltage of 55mV. A 4.7µF reference bypass capacitor decre.
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