
BC417143B-ES-IQN Datasheet, Cambridge Silicon Radio

BC417143B-ES-IQN bluetooth equivalent, single chip bluetooth.

BC417143B-ES-IQN Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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BC417143B-ES-IQN Datasheet

Features and benefits

ƒ Fully Qualified Bluetooth v1.2 system ƒ Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) compliant with v0.9 of specification for both 2Mbps and 3Mbps modulation modes _äìÉ`çêÉ»QJbñíÉêå~ä Sin.


ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ PCs Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) Computer Accessories (compact Flash Cards, PCMCIA Cards, SD Cards and U.


_äìÉ`çêÉQJbñíÉêå~ä is a single chip radio and baseband IC for Bluetooth 2.4GHz systems including enhanced data rates (EDR) to 3Mbps. BC417143B interfaces to 8Mbit of external Flash memory. When used with the CSR Bluetooth software stack, it provides .

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