
CA-IS3722 Datasheet, Chipanalog

CA-IS3722 isolators equivalent, high-speed dual-channel digital isolators.

CA-IS3722 Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-12

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CA-IS3722 Datasheet

Features and benefits

* Data rate: DC to 150Mbps
* Robust isolation barrier
* High lifetime: >40 years
* Up to 5000 VRMS isolation rating (Wide body packages)
* ±150 kV/μs .


* Industrial Automation
* Motor Control
* Medical Systems
* Isolated Power Supplies
* Solar Inverter.


The CA-IS372x devices are high-performance dual channel digital isolators with up to 3.75kVRMS (narrowbody package) and 5kVRMS (wide-body package) isolation rating and ultra-fast data rate. The CA-IS372x devices provide high electromagnetic immunity .

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