
DM74LS93 Datasheet, Fairchild Semiconductor

DM74LS93 counters equivalent, decade and binary counters.

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DM74LS93 Datasheet

Features and benefits

n Typical power dissipation 45 mW n Count frequency 42 MHz Connection Diagrams (Dual-In-Line Packages) DS006381-1 Order Number DM74LS90M or DM74LS90N See Package Number.


To use their maximum count length (decade or four bit binary), the B input is connected to the QA output. The input co.


Each of these monolithic counters contains four master-slave flip-flops and additional gating to provide a divide-by-two counter and a three-stage binary counter for which the count cycle length is divide-by-five for the ’LS90 and divide-by-eight for.

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