MMA6271QT accelerometer equivalent, two axis low-g micromachined accelerometer.
signal conditioning, a 1-pole low pass filter, temperature compensation and gSelect which allows for the selection among 4 sensitivities. Zero-g offset full scale span an.
* Laptop PC: Freefall Detection, Anti-Theft Cell Phone: Image Stability, Text Sc.
g-Select2 0 0 1 1 g-Select1 0 1 0 1 g-Range 2.5g 3.3g 6.7g 10g Sensitivity 480 mV/g 360 mV/g 180 mV/g 120 mV/g
Sleep Mode The 2 axis accelerometer provides a Sleep Mode that is ideal for battery operated products. When Sleep Mode is active, the dev.
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