MB89193 microcontroller equivalent, (mb89191 - mb89195) 8-bit proprietary microcontroller.
* Minimum execution time: 0.95 µs at 4.2 MHz (VCC = 2.7 V)
* F2MC-8L family CPU core
* Two timers 8/16-bit timer/counter 20-bit timebase counter
* Serial .
Pin no. SOP*1, DIP*2 SH-DIP*3 7 8 5 6 MQFP*4 31 32 29 30 Pin name X0 X1 TEST RST B C Test input pin Connect directly to VSS. Reset I/O pin This pin consists of an N-ch open-drain output with a pull-up resistor and of hysteresis input. A low level is .
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