
HB289032C4 Datasheet, Hitachi Semiconductor

HB289032C4 compactflash equivalent, compactflash.

HB289032C4 Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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HB289032C4 Datasheet

Features and benefits

* CompactFlash™ specification standard  50 pin two pieces connector and Type I (3.3 mm)
* 3.3V / 5V single power supply operation
* Card density is 48 Mega b.


HB289048C4, HB289032C4, HB289016C4, HB289008C4 are CompactFlash™. This card complies with CompactFlash™ specification, and is suitable for the usage of data storage memory medium for PC or any other electric equipment and digital still camera. This c.

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