
IDT49C403A Datasheet, IDT

IDT49C403A slice equivalent, 16 bit cmos microprocessor slice.

IDT49C403A Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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IDT49C403A Datasheet

Features and benefits

* Monolithic 16-bit CMOS I'P slice
* Replaces four 2903As/29203s and a 2902A
* Fast -20% faster than four 2903As/29203s and a 2902A
* Low-power CMOS -Com.


The IDT49C403/A are high-speed, fully cascadable 16-bit CEMOS'
* microprocessor slices. They combine the standard functions of four 2903s/29203s and one 2902, with additional cont.

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