
IL9910CD Datasheet, IK Semiconductor

IL9910CD driver equivalent, universal high-voltage led driver.

IL9910CD Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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IL9910CD Datasheet

Features and benefits

* 8V to 450V input range
* Maximum external consumption current on VDD pin IDD(ext) 1 mA
* Operating temperature range -40oC ~ +85oC a Applications from a few.


from a few mA to more than 1A Output
* Brightness control for LED string from one to hundreds of diodes
* PWM Lo.


The IL9910 is a PWM high-efficiency LED driver control IC. The IC is purposed for control of LED lighting as source of constant current Features
* 8V to 450V input range
* Maximum external consumption current on VDD pin IDD(ext) 1 mA
* .

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