N87C51FA microcontroller equivalent, (n87c51fx) chmos single-chip 8-bit microcontroller.
of the 87C51FB FC Port Pin P1 0 P1 1 P1 2 P1 3 P1 4 P1 5 P1 6 P1 7 Alternate Function T2 (External Count Input to Timer Counter 2) T2EX (Timer Counter 2 Capture Reload Tr.
that require Pulse Width Modulation High Speed I O and up down counting capabilities such as brake and traction control .
VCC Supply voltage VSS Circuit ground VSS1 Secondary ground (in PLCC only) Provided to reduce ground bounce and improve power supply by-passing NOTE This pin is NOT a substitute for VSS pin (pin 22) Port 0 Port 0 is an 8-bit open drain bidirectional.
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