
HC55180 Datasheet, Intersil

HC55180 slic equivalent, extended reach ringing slic.

HC55180 Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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HC55180 Datasheet

Features and benefits

across the product family include: low power consumption, ringing using sinusoidal or trapezoidal waveforms, robust auto-detection mechanisms for when subscribers go on o.


Ideally suited for remote subscriber units, this family of products offers flexibility to designers with high ringing v.


HC55180 HC55181 HC55183 HC55184 Low Power Standby 0 0 0 SHD GKD MTU compliant standby mode with
* active loop detector. Forward Active 0 0 1 SHD GKD Forward battery loop feed.
* Unused 0 1 0 n/a n/.

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