
XU1019-QH Mimix Broadband Up-Converter

Description Mimix Broadband’s 37.0-40.0 GHz GaAs MMIC Intergrated Up-converter that has a typical conversion gain of 7 dB, and an image rejection of greater than 15 dBc. It has been optimized for USB operation.The device includes a LO doubler and buffer, and can be tuned to give 2xLO leakage of less than -25 dBm. Variable gain regulation can be achieved by adjusting the bias, with turn-down trajectories optim...
Features Integrates Image Reject (Balanced) Mixer, LO Buffer, LO Doubler and RF Buffer 7 dB Conversion Gain (USB) -25 dBm (2x) LO Leakage (at RF Port) 26 dBm Output Third Order Intercept Point (OIP3) Variable Gain with Adjustable Bias 4x4mm QFN Package 100% RF and DC Testing General Description Mimix Broadband’s 37.0-40.0 GHz GaAs MMIC Intergrated Up-conv...

Datasheet PDF File XU1019-QH Datasheet - 729.21KB


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