
UA2-3SNUN Datasheet, NEC

UA2-3SNUN relay equivalent, miniature signal relay.

UA2-3SNUN Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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UA2-3SNUN Datasheet

Features and benefits

™ Small mounting size of slim package for dense mounting. ™ Bellcore (2500 V) and FCC (1500 V) surge capability. ™ IEC950/UL1950/EN60950 spacing and high breakdown voltag.


Electronic switching systems, PBX, terminal equipment, telephone system, instrumental equipment. For Right Use of Minia.


NEC's UA2/UB2 relay ia a new generation Miniature Signal Relay of super-compact size and slim-pakage. But, the latching type production is going to start after June 2000. FEATURES ™ Small mounting size of slim package for dense mounting. ™ Bellcore .

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