UPD703015AY microcontroller equivalent, 32-/16-bit single-chip microcontroller.
{ Number of instructions: 74 { Minimum instruction execution time: 59 ns (@ 17 MHz operation with main system clock (fXX)) 50 ns (@ 20 MHz operation with main system cloc.
As a real-time control system, this device provides a high-level cost performance ideal for applications ranging from l.
The µPD703014A, 703014AY, 703015A, 703015AY, 703017A, and 703017AY (V850/SA1) are 32-/16-bit singlechip microcontrollers that include the CPU core of the V850 FamilyTM, and peripheral functions such as ROM/RAM, timer/counters, serial interfaces, an A.
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