74AVCH20T245 transceiver equivalent, 20-bit dual supply translating transceiver.
four 10-bit input-output ports (1An, 1Bn and 2An, 2Bn), two output enable inputs (nOE), two direction inputs (DIR) and dual supplies (VCC(A) and VCC(B)). VCC(A) and VCC(B.
using IOFF. The IOFF circuitry disables the output, preventing any damaging backflow current through the device when it .
The 74AVCH20T245 is a 20-bit, dual supply transceiver that enables bi-directional voltage level translation. The device can be used as two 10-bit transceivers or as a single 20-bit transceiver. It features four 10-bit input-output ports (1An, 1Bn and.
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