overvoltage tolerant bilateral switch.
s Wide supply voltage range from 2.3 V to 5.5 V s Ultra low-power operation s Very low ON-resistance: x 8.0 Ω (typ) at VCC = 2.7 V x 7.5 Ω (typ) at VCC = 3.3 V x 7.3 Ω (t.
when using control logic signals much lower than VCC. These inputs are also overvoltage tolerant.
2. Features
s Wide su.
The 74LVCV2G66 is a high-performance, low-power, low-voltage, Si-gate CMOS device that provides superior performance to most advanced CMOS compatible TTL families. The 74LVCV2G66 provides two single pole, single throw analog or digital switches. Each.
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