
ADC1031 Datasheet, National Semiconductor

ADC1031 converters equivalent, 10-bit serial i/o a/d converters.

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ADC1031 Datasheet

Features and benefits

Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Serial I O (MICROWIRETM compatible) Separate asynchronous converter clock and serial data I O clock Analog input track hold function Ratiometric or abs.


Y Y Y Y Engine control Process control Instrumentation Test equipment TRI-STATE is a registered trademark of National .


The ADC1031 ADC1034 and ADC1038 are 10-bit successive approximation A D converters with serial I O The serial input for the ADC1034 and ADC1038 controls a singleended analog multiplexer that selects one of 4 input channels (ADC1034) or one of 8 input.

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