
BD65491FV Datasheet, ROHM

BD65491FV driver equivalent, single h-bridge driver.

BD65491FV Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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BD65491FV Datasheet

Features and benefits

wide range of motor power supply voltage from 1.8V to 16.0V and low power consumption to switch low ON-Resistance DMOS transistors at high speed. This small surface mount.


* Low ON-Resistance Power DMOS Output
* Charge Pump-Less with PDMOS High-Side Driver
* Selective S.


The BD65491FV provides a single H-bridge motor driver which features wide range of motor power supply voltage from 1.8V to 16.0V and low power consumption to switch low ON-Resistance DMOS transistors at high speed. This small surface mounting package.

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