
RT4528 Datasheet, Richtek Technology

RT4528 driver equivalent, high voltage buck led driver.

RT4528 Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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RT4528 Datasheet

Features and benefits

* High Voltage : VIN Up to 50V, VOUT Up to 50V
* Built-In 3A Power Switch
* Current-Mode PWM Control
* 500kHz Fixed Switching Frequency
* Analog or PW.


* Desk Lights and Room Lighting
* Industrial Display Backlight Marking Information RT4528 GSPYMDNN RT4528GSP .


The RT4528 is a current-mode LED driver supporting wide input voltage range from 4.5V to 50V and output voltage up to 50V. With internal 500kHz operating frequency, the size of the external PWM inductor and input/output capacitors can be minimized. H.

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