
BA8400FV Datasheet, Rohm

BA8400FV vcrs equivalent, ctl recording / playback amplifier for vhs vcrs.

BA8400FV Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-14

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BA8400FV Datasheet

Features and benefits

* 1) Can be operated off low power supply voltage (2.7V to 3.5V). 2) Playback amplifier with AGC. 3) Fast switching between recording and playback.
*Block diagra.


* VHS-format VCRs Features
* 1) Can be operated off low power supply voltage (2.7V to 3.5V). 2) Playback amplif.


Pin No. 1 Pin name CTL OUT (CTL pulse output) RECHPB (record / play switch) RECIN (REC CTL pulse input) GND CTL + (CTL head “+” input) CTL
  – (CTL head “
  –” input) RECPBGND BIAS (bias) IN
  – (playback amp.

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