
LC875048B Datasheet, Sanyo

LC875048B microcontroller equivalent, 8-bit single chip microcontroller.

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LC875048B Datasheet

Features and benefits

(1) Read Only Memory (ROM) - 65535 × 8 bits (LC875064B) - 57343 × 8 bits (LC875056B) - 49151 × 8 bits (LC875048B) Ver.1.03 12500 91400 RM (IM) HK / SY No.6714-1/26 LC8.


*4-bit Input/output port
*Data direction can be specified for each bit
*Use of pull-up resistor can be specified for each bit
*Other functions P70: INT0 input/HOLD release input/Timer0L capture input /Output for watchdog timer P71: IN.

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