
LC865516A Datasheet, Sanyo Semiconductor Corporation

LC865516A microcontroller equivalent, (lc8655xxa) 8-bit single chip microcontroller.

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LC865516A Datasheet

Features and benefits

(1) Read-Only Memory (ROM) : LC865520A 20480 × 8 bits : LC865516A 16384 × 8 bits : LC865512A 12288 × 8 bits : LC865508A 8192 × 8 bits : LC865504A 4096 × 8 bits (2) Random.


Pin name VSS VDD PORT0 P00 to P07 I/O I/O Power pin (-) Power pin (+)
*8-bit input/output port
*Input for port 0 interrupt
*Input/output in nibble units
*Input for HOLD release
*15V withstand at N-channel open drain output

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