
TB62709FG Datasheet, Toshiba Semiconductor

TB62709FG drivers equivalent, 7-segment drivers.

TB62709FG Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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TB62709FG Datasheet

Features and benefits

Control circuit power supply voltage : VDD = 4.5 to 5.5 V Digit output rating : 17 V / −400 mA Decoder output rating : 17 V / 50 mA Built−in decoder : Decodes the numeral.


OF OPERATION Data input (SERIAL−IN, CLOCK, LOAD) The data are input serially using the SERIAL−IN pin. The data input interface consists of a total of three inputs : SERIAL−IN, LOAD, and CLOCK. Binary code stored in the 16−bit shift register offers co.

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