
HC2100L03 Datasheet, Yantel

HC2100L03 coupler equivalent, hybrid coupler.

HC2100L03 Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-11

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HC2100L03 Datasheet

Features and benefits

* 1800-2500 MHz
* PCS, UMT & 3G
* High Power
* Very Low Loss
* Tight Amplitude Balance
* High Isolation
* Low VSWR
* Good Repeatability <.


The HC2100L03 is particularly for balanced power and low noise amplifiers, plus signal designed distribution and other .


The HC2100L03 is a low profile, high performance 3dB hybrid coupler in a new easy to use, manufacturing friendly surface mount package. It is designed for PCS, UMTS & other 3G applications. The HC2100L03 is particularly for balanced power and low noi.

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