
TLV320AIC3110 Datasheet, Texas Instruments

TLV320AIC3110 codec equivalent, low-power audio codec.

TLV320AIC3110 Avg. rating / M : 1.0 rating-12

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TLV320AIC3110 Datasheet

Features and benefits

* Stereo Audio DAC With 95-dB SNR
* Mono Audio ADC With 91-dB SNR
* Supports 8-kHz to 192-kHz Separate DAC and ADC Sample Rates
* Stereo 1.29-W Class-D .


* Portable Audio Devices
* Mobile Internet Devices
* e-Books 1.3 Description The TLV320AIC3110 device is .


The TLV320AIC3110 device is a low-power, highly integrated, high-performance codec that supports stereo audio DAC, and mono audio ADC. The TLV320AIC3110 device features a high-performance audio codec with 24-bit stereo playback and monaural record .

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