AD7606BBCHIPS Datasheet, das equivalent, Analog Devices

AD7606BBCHIPS Features

  • Das
  • 16-bit ADC with 800 kSPS on all channels
  • Input buffer with 5 MΩ analog input impedance
  • 1 ppm/°C typical positive and negative full-scale error drift
  • <

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📄 Datasheet


8-channel das. Specifications 4 Timing Specifications 6 Universal Timing Specifications 6 Parallel Mode Timing Specifications 8 REVISION HISTORY 2/

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Page 2 of AD7606BBCHIPS Page 3 of AD7606BBCHIPS

AD7606BBCHIPS Application

  • Applications
  • Power line monitoring
  • Protective relays
  • Multiphase motor control
  • Instrumentation and control sy


Analog Devices

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