ACI-C120125-1852 Datasheet, driver equivalent, Applied Concepts

ACI-C120125-1852 Features

  • Driver enable and intensity control inputs. MECHANICAL/ENVIRONMENTAL Weight = 20.5 grams Altitude = 35,000 ft max. Humidity < 95% non-condensing Size (L x W x H) = 2.35 IN x 1.43 IN x 0.385 I

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📄 Datasheet


I-drive 15 watt led driver. The ACI-C120125-1852 represents the 3rd generation of IDrive technology used for powering LED backlights. Operating as a true constan

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ACI-C120125-1852 Application

  • Applications with a minimum of 3000:1. This unit features enable and intensity control inputs. MECHANICAL/ENVIRONMENTAL Weight = 20.5 grams Altitud


Applied Concepts

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