- CY8C20160

CY8C20160 Datasheet, ios equivalent, Cypress Semiconductor

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Part number: CY8C20160

Manufacturer: Cypress Semiconductor

File Size: 374.03KB

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Description: Configurable IOs

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PDF File Details

Part number: CY8C20160

Manufacturer: Cypress Semiconductor

File Size: 374.03KB

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Description: Configurable IOs

CY8C20160 Features and benefits

* Overview The CapSense ExpressTM controller allows the control of 6 IOs configurable as capacitive sensing buttons or as GPIOs for driving LEDs or interrupt signals.

CY8C20160 Description

Configurable as CapSense or GPIO Configurable as CapSense or GPIO I2C clock I2C data Configurable as CapSense or GPIO Configurable as CapSense or GPIO Ground connection Configurable as CapSense or GPIO Configurable as CapSense or GPIO Configurable as.

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Cypress Semiconductor

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