MAX1408 Datasheet, das equivalent, Maxim Integrated

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Part number: MAX1408

Manufacturer: Maxim Integrated (

File Size: 1.08MB

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Description: 16-Bit Multichannel DAS

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MAX1408 Features and benefits

a 50mV trip threshold for the signal-detect comparator while the others have a 0mV trip threshold. The MAX1409 is a 20-pin version of the DAS family with a d.

MAX1408 Application

All the devices operate from a single +2.7V to +3.6V power supply and consume a maximum of 1.15mA in Run mode and only .

MAX1408 Description

The MAX1407/MAX1408/MAX1409/MAX1414 are lowpower, general-purpose, multichannel data-acquisition systems (DAS). These devices are optimized for lowpower applications. All the devices operate from a single +2.7V to +3.6V power supply and consume a max.

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Maxim Integrated

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