Part number: MY4NJ-D2
Manufacturer: Omron
File Size: 507.76KB
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Description: Miniature Power Relay
The MY4NJ-D2 is a general-purpose relay manufactured by Omron. It is part of the MY Series of relays and is commonly used in various control applications to switch and control electrical circuits. The MY4NJ-D2 relay features a compact design, high switching capacity, and long electrical endurance. It is known for its reliability and durability, making it suitable for diverse industrial applications. The "D2" designation typically refers to specific features or configurations of the relay, so you may want.
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ശࠩϱཬੱۿఖđСႵ ؟ᇕݼđൡކ۲ᇕඨ॥ᇅ ੱۿބႋႨb
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܋๙ᇿၩ൙ཛ llllll 804 ඌᆷଲ llllllll 915 Ⴈეඪૼ llll.
MY4NJ - Miniature Power Relay
ശࠩϱཬੱۿఖđСႵ ؟ᇕݼđൡކ۲ᇕඨ॥ᇅ ੱۿބႋႨb
ཌྷܱྐ༏ അ࿊ᄴ llllllll 792
܋๙ᇿၩ൙ཛ llllll 804 ඌᆷଲ llllllll 915 Ⴈეඪૼ llll.
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