SKIIP81AC12 Datasheet, power equivalent, Semikron

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Miniskiip 8 semikron integrated intelligent power.

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SKiiP 81 AC 12 - SKiiP 81 AC 12 I Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol VCES VGES IC ICM Tj Tstg Visol Conditions 1) Values 1200 ± 20 65 / 45 130 / 90 – 40 .

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SKiiP 81 ANB 15 T1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions 1) Bridge Rectifier VRRM ID IFSM I²t Theatsink = 80 °C tp = 10 ms; sin. 180°, Tj = 25 °C.

SKIIP802GB061-259CTV - 2-pack - integrated intelligent Power System (Semikron International)
SKiiP 802GB061-259CTV Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT = = '+ =  A ; (  A 4 D *? + BC *  + = C '  / *.

SKIIP802GB120040 - IGBT (Semikron)

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SKiiP 803GD061-3DUW Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT = = '+ =  4 ; (  4 7 E *? + BC *  + =  (  9.

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SKiiP 82 AC 06 - SKiiP 82 AC 06 I Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Inverter VCES VGES IC ICM IF = –IC IFM = –ICM Tj Tstg Visol Conditions 1) Values 600.

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SKiiP 82 AC 06 - SKiiP 82 AC 06 I Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Inverter VCES VGES IC ICM IF = –IC IFM = –ICM Tj Tstg Visol Conditions 1) Values 600.

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SKiiP 82 AC 12 - SKiiP 82 AC 12 I Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol VCES VGES IC ICM Tj Tstg Visol Conditions 1) Values 1200 ± 20 95 / 65 190 / 130 – 40.

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SKiiP 82 AC 12 - SKiiP 82 AC 12 I Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol VCES VGES IC ICM Tj Tstg Visol Conditions 1) Values 1200 ± 20 95 / 65 190 / 130 – 40.

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