D7088 Datasheet, supply equivalent, Shaoxing Silicore

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Part number: D7088

Manufacturer: Shaoxing Silicore

File Size: 162.90KB

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Description: FM Receiver Circuit for Battery Supply

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D7088 Features and benefits

z z z z z z z z z z Equipped with all stages of a mo n o receiver fro m antenna to au dio output Mute circuit Search tuning with a single varicap diode Mechan ical tuning.

D7088 Application

z z Mechanical tuning; th is is possible with or without integrating AFC circuit. Electrical tuning; this is realized by.

D7088 Description

The D7088 is a bipolar integrated circuit for use in mono portable and pocket radios. It is used when a mi nimu m of peripheral co mponents (of small dimensions and low costs) is important. The circuit contains a frequency-locked-loop (FLL) sys te m .

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Shaoxing Silicore

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