- LR5966

LR5966 Datasheet, regulator equivalent, Unisonic Technologies

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Part number: LR5966

Manufacturer: Unisonic Technologies

File Size: 190.14KB

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PDF File Details

Part number: LR5966

Manufacturer: Unisonic Technologies

File Size: 190.14KB

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LR5966 Features and benefits

include ultra low dropout voltage, current limiting protection, thermal shutdown protection and high ripple rejection ratio.
* FEATURES * 5A Guaranteed Output Curr.

LR5966 Description

CMOS IC The UTC LR5966 belonged to low quiescent current(60μA typ.), low dropout, linear regulators operating from 2.25V to 6V input and are guaranteed to deliver 5A. Wide range of preset output voltage options are available. Built-in low on-resist.

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Unisonic Technologies

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