1517 5-TAP DIP DELAY LINE TD/TR = 3 (SERIES 1517).
1517 5-TAP DIP DELAY LINE TD/TR = 3 (SERIES 1517) FEATURES • • • • • • 5 taps of equal delay increment Delays as large as 300ns available Low DC resi.NHI15175ET - (NHI Series) Multi-Protocol Data Bus Interface
4U NATIONAL HYBRID, Inc. t e .D a t a e h S . m o c w w w Bus Controller, Remote Terminal, Bus Monitor The information provided in this documen.NHI-15175ET - (NHI Series) Multi-Protocol Data Bus Interface
4U NATIONAL HYBRID, Inc. t e .D a t a e h S . m o c w w w Bus Controller, Remote Terminal, Bus Monitor The information provided in this documen.