
2N2194 Datasheet, Features, Application

2N2194 NPN Transistor

2N2192,A,B thru 2N2195,A,B (s.ILlCON) NPN silicon.

Seme LAB

2N2194 - Bipolar NPN Device

2N2194 Dimensions in mm (inches). 8.51 (0.34) 9.40 (0.37) 7.75 (0.305) 8.51 (0.335) 6.10 (0.240) 6.60 (0.260) 12.70 (0.500) min. (00.0.8395)max. 0..
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2N2194B - NPN Transistor

2N2192,A,B thru 2N2195,A,B (s.ILlCON) NPN silicon annular transistors for high-current switching and amplifier applications. CASE 31 (TO-S) Collecto.
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2N2194A - NPN Transistor

2N2192,A,B thru 2N2195,A,B (s.ILlCON) NPN silicon annular transistors for high-current switching and amplifier applications. CASE 31 (TO-S) Collecto.
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2N2194 - NPN Transistor

2N2192,A,B thru 2N2195,A,B (s.ILlCON) NPN silicon annular transistors for high-current switching and amplifier applications. CASE 31 (TO-S) Collecto.
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