2N2906A - PNP switching transistors
DISCRETE SEMICONDUCTORS DATA SHEET M3D125 2N2906; 2N2906A PNP switching transistors Product specification Supersedes data of September 1994 File und.2N2906A - PNP SMALL SIGNAL SILICON TRANSISTOR
TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 6 Lake Street, Lawrence, MA 01841 1-800-446-1158 / (978) 620-2600 / Fax: (978) 689-0803 Website: http: //www.microsemi.com PNP SM.2N2906A - High Speed Switching Transistor
High Speed Switching Transistor Features: • PNP silicon planar switching transistors • Fast switching devices exhibiting short turn-off and low sa.2N2906A - PNP SILICON TRANSISTOR
2N2906 2N2906A 2N2907 2N2907A PNP SILICON TRANSISTOR w w w. c e n t r a l s e m i . c o m DESCRIPTION: The CENTRAL SEMICONDUCTOR 2N2906, 2N2907 serie.2N2906A - PNP SILICON PLANAR SWITCHING TRANSISTORS
Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified Company PNP SILICON PLANAR SWITCHING TRANSISTORS 2N2906A 2N2907A T.2N2906A - Radiation Hardened PNP Transistors
2N2906A, L, UA, UB 2N2907A, L, UA, UB Radiation Hardened PNP Silicon Switching Transistors Features • Qualified to MIL-PRF-19500/291 • Available in JA.JANTX2N2906A - PNP SMALL SIGNAL SILICON TRANSISTOR
TECHNICAL DATA PNP SMALL SIGNAL SILICON TRANSISTOR Qualified per MIL-PRF-19500/291 Devices 2N2906A 2N2906AL 2N2906AUA 2N2906AUB 2N2907A 2N2907AL 2N.2N2906A - PNP Silicon Annular Hermetic Transistors
www.DataSheet4U.com ww.DataSheet4U.com www.DataSheet4U.com www.DataSheet4U www.DataSheet4U.com 4U.com DataSheet 4 U .com www.DataSHeet4U.com www..2N2906A - General Purpose Amplifier Transistors
PNP 2N2906 – 2N2906A GENERAL PURPOSE AMPLIFIERS TRANSISTORS The 2N2906 and 2N2906A are PNP transistors mounted in TO-18 metal package. They are intend.JAN2N2906A - PNP SMALL SIGNAL SILICON TRANSISTOR
TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 6 Lake Street, Lawrence, MA 01841 1-800-446-1158 / (978) 620-2600 / Fax: (978) 689-0803 Website: http: //www.microsemi.com PNP SM.JANTXV2N2906A - PNP SMALL SIGNAL SILICON TRANSISTOR
TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 6 Lake Street, Lawrence, MA 01841 1-800-446-1158 / (978) 620-2600 / Fax: (978) 689-0803 Website: http: //www.microsemi.com PNP SM.JANS2N2906A - PNP SMALL SIGNAL SILICON TRANSISTOR
TECHNICAL DATA SHEET 6 Lake Street, Lawrence, MA 01841 1-800-446-1158 / (978) 620-2600 / Fax: (978) 689-0803 Website: http: //www.microsemi.com PNP SM.