3EZxxxD5 SERIES 1.0 (25.4) MIN. .034 (0.9) DIA. .
3EZ18D5 - 3W Zener Diodes
3EZxxxD5 SERIES 1.0 (25.4) MIN. .034 (0.9) DIA. .028 (0.7) .300 (7.6) .230 (5.8) 1.0 (25.4) MIN. .140 (3.6) .104 (2.6) D I A . DO-15 Dimensions i.3EZ18D5 - 3W Silicon Zener Diodes
Features * Zener voltage 3.9V to 200V * High surge current rating * 3 Watts dissipation in a normally 1 watt package 3EZ3.9D5 THRU 3EZ200D5 3W Silico.3EZ18D5 - Silicon 3 Watt Zener Diode
WWW.Microsemi .COM SCOTTSDALE DIVISION 3EZ3.9D5 thru 3EZ200D5, e3 Silicon 3 Watt Zener Diode DESCRIPTION The 3EZ3.9D5 thru 3EZ200D5 series of axial.3EZ18D5 - PLASTIC PACKAGE ZENER DIODES
R SEMICONDUCTOR 3EZ3.9D5 THRU 3EZ200D5 3W SILICON PLANAR ZENER DIODES FEATURES Low leakage, low zener impedance at low current Maximum power dissipa.3EZ18D5 - Zener Diodes
Zener Diodes 3W 3EZ3.9D5/SZ553J to 2EZ200D5/SZ55D0, DO-41/SMA WWW.SEMITECH.CN 10 Zener Diodes 3W 3EZ3.9D5/SZ553J to 2EZ200D5/SZ55D0, DO-41/SMA SMA WW.3EZ18D5RL - 30 Zener Voltage Regulators
3EZ6.2D5 Series 3 Watt DO-41 SurmeticE 30 Zener Voltage Regulators This is a complete series of 3 Watt Zener diodes with limits and excellent operatin.3EZ18D5 - 3W Glass Passivated Junction Silicon Zener Diode
MCC TM Micro Commercial Components omponents 20736 Marilla Street Chatsworth !"# $ % !"#.3EZ18D5 - SILICON ZENER DIODES
3EZ Series VZ : 3.9 - 400 Volts PD : 3 Watts FEATURES : * Complete Voltage Range 3.9 to 400 Volts * High peak reverse power dissipation * High reliabi.SMB3EZ18D5 - 3W Glass Passivated Junction Silicon Zener Diode
MCC TM Micro Commercial Components omponents 20736 Marilla Street Chatsworth !"# $ % !"#.3EZ18D5 - Zener Voltage Regulators
3EZ4.3D5 Series 3 Watt DO−41 SurmeticE 30 Zener Voltage Regulators This is a complete series of 3 Watt Zener diodes with limits and excellent operatin.3EZ18D5 - 3.0W ZENER DIODE
® WON-TOP ELECTRONICS Features Glass Passivated Die Construction 3.0W Power Dissipation 3.3V – 200V Nominal Zener Voltage 5% Standard Vz Toler.3EZ18D5 - 3W Axial Lead Zener Diode
ϯtdžŝĂů>ĞĂĚĞŶĞƌŝŽĚĞƐͲϲ͘ϮsƚŽϮϬϬs ϯϲ͘Ϯϱ THRU ϯϮϬϬϱ PRIMARY CHARACTERISTICS PD 3W VZ 6.2V~200V IZT TJ,Max Please refer to the spe.3EZ18D5 - 3 Watts Surface Mount Zener Diode
Elektronische Bauelemente 3EZxxxD5 Series Voltage 6.2V~200V 3 Watts Surface Mount Zener Diode RoHS Compliant Product A suffix of “-C” specifies halo.3EZ18D5 - 3 Watts Surface Mount Zener Diode
Elektronische Bauelemente 3EZxxxD5 Series Voltage 6.2V~200V 3 Watts Surface Mount Zener Diode RoHS Compliant Product A suffix of “-C” specifies halo.SMA3EZ18D5 - Surface Mount Silicon Zener Diode
SMA3EZ6.2D5 THRU SMA3EZ270D5 Features • Glass Passivated Junction • Excellent Clamping Capability • Halogen Free Available Upon Request By Adding Suf.3EZ18D5L - SILICON ZENER DIODES
VOLTAGE RANGE: 3.9 - 400V POWER: 3.0Wa t t s Features ! Complete Voltage Range 3.9 to 400 Volts ! High peak reverse power dissipation ! High reliabili.