PIC16F877A - 28/40/44-Pin Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers
PIC16F87XA 28/40/44-Pin Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers Devices Included in this Data Sheet: • PIC16F873A • PIC16F874A • PIC16F876A • PIC16F877A H.17HS4401 - STEPPING MOTOR
STEPPING MOTOR # 17HS4401 (A-MO-M-00153) * 410.- 17HS4401 1.8 40 1.7 1.5 2.8 40 2.2 54 4 280 .STK-442-110 - 14 Pin / Class AB 2 Channels AF Power Amplifier
SPECIFICATIONS No. STK442-110 1. Case Outline 14Pins (See attached outline drawing) 2. Function class AB 2 channels AF power amplifier 3. Application.STK442-110 - 14 Pin / Class AB 2 Channels AF Power Amplifier
SPECIFICATIONS No. STK442-110 1. Case Outline 14Pins (See attached outline drawing) 2. Function class AB 2 channels AF power amplifier 3. Application.LB11999H - Three-Phase Brushless Motor Drivers for CD-ROM Spindle Motor Driver (supports 44x / 48x / 50x)
Ordering number : ENN6180 LB11999,11999H Monolithic Digital IC LB11999,11999H Three-Phase Brushless Motor Drivers for CD-ROM Spindle Motor Driver (s.ATM43D-446778 - 20-Pin HSOP
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 GND OUT 0V IN 11 12 13 www.DataSheet4U.com GND OUT IN 14 15 0V 16 17 IN 0V OUT GND IN OUT GND 18 19 20 .MSWSE-044-10 - Silicon PIN Diode Switch Element
MSWSE-044-10 Silicon PIN Diode Switch Element Features Supports up to 40 W Power Broadband Performance up to 2 GHz Low Insertion Loss Medium I.PIC18LF4520 - (PIC18LF2420 - PIC18LF4520) 28/40/44-Pin Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers
www.DataSheet4U.com PIC18F2420/2520/4420/4520 Data Sheet 28/40/44-Pin Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers with 10-Bit A/D and nanoWatt Technology 2004.HYS72T64400HFD-3S-B - 240-Pin Fully-Buffered DDR2 SDRAM Modules
February 2007 Cover Page HYS72T64[4/5]00HFD–3S–B HYS72T128[4/5]20HFD–3S–B HYS72T256[4/5]20HFD–3S–B www.DataSheet4U.com 240-Pin Fully-Buffered DDR2 S.16F877A - 28/40/44-Pin Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers
PIC16F87XA 28/40/44-Pin Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers Devices Included in this Data Sheet: • PIC16F873A • PIC16F874A • PIC16F876A • PIC16F877A H.103H7123-0440 - 2-phase Stepping Motor
2-phase stepping motor www.DataSheet4U.com 2-phase Stepping Motor 56mm sq. 103H712 1.8˚/step For information on the applicable driver, contact ou.103H7821-0440 - 2-phase Stepping Motor
2-phase stepping motor 2-phase Stepping Motor 60 103H782˘ mm sq. 1.8˚/step (2.36inch sq.) Recommendable Driver Refer to the page 7,17,27 and 45. Spe.103H6704-0440 - Stepping Motors
Stepping Motors 50 mm sq. 1.8°/step RoHS Unipolar winding, Lead wire type Bipolar winding, Lead wire type p. 50 Unipolar winding, Lead wire type M.103H6703-0440 - Stepping Motors
Stepping Motors 50 mm sq. 1.8°/step RoHS Unipolar winding, Lead wire type Bipolar winding, Lead wire type p. 50 Unipolar winding, Lead wire type M.PIC18F4520 - 28/40/44-Pin Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers
PIC18F2420/2520/4420/4520 Data Sheet 28/40/44-Pin Enhanced Flash Microcontrollers with 10-Bit A/D and nanoWatt Technology © 2008 Microchip Technology.103H7823-0440 - 2-phase Stepping Motor
2-phase stepping motor 2-phase Stepping Motor 60 103H782 mm sq. 1.8˚/step (2.36inch sq.) Recommendable Driver Refer to the page 7,17,27 and 45. Spec.16F1788 - 28/40/44-Pin 8-Bit Advanced Analog Flash Microcontrollers
PIC16(L)F1788/9 28/40/44-Pin 8-Bit Advanced Analog Flash Microcontrollers High-Performance RISC CPU: • Only 49 Instructions • Operating Speed: - DC –.GPM8F3132 - 44 pin microcontroller
GPM8F3o1n32/3116/3108A 3424/l1Pp6ilnu/88K-BbitFMlaOischrnolcyontroller with G F Preliminary Oct. 21, 2010 Version 0.3 Generalplus Technology Inc. rese.PDT1442-BS-D4 - Pigtailed PIN Photodiodes
Pigtailed PIN Photodiodes Technical Data PDT1X4X Features • Variety of Flange/Pinout Options • Fiber Pigtail Options • Compact Package • High Reliab.