General Description QX5252 is an ASIC for solar LE.
5252F - Solar LED Driver
General Description QX5252 is an ASIC for solar LED lawn lights. Only a peripheral inductor is required to realize the step-up power supply, and the m.DX5252F - Solar Lawn driver
IC z IC z :0.9-3.0V z >85% z z z z ,。 z 。 z LED VF 。 : 1 SBAT () 2 BAT 3 GND 4 OUT : 1.2V 。 。 ,。 。 2.4 V , 2.4V (=1.30V) 47uH 100 uH 1.BD5252FVE - Voltage Detector IC Appendix Notes No technical content pages of this document may be.