GT911 - 5-Point Capacitive Touch Controller
BA6800AS - Fluorescent display tube level meter driver/ 16-point x 2 channel/ VU scale/ bar display
UCS5903 - Full-color point source LED driver IC
1N34A - Point Contact Germanium Diode
TD220 - Gate Driver with VReg and Two Point Regulator
GT9157 - 5-point capacitive touch solutions
AD8112 - fully buffered crosspoint switch matrix that operates
RTL8186 - Wireless LAN Access Point/Gateway Controller
BA6124 - LED level meter driver/ 5-point/ VU scale
VSC838 - 3.2Gb/s 36x37 Crosspoint Switch
GT928 - 10-point SOC Touch
HA4404B - 330MHz/ 4 x 1 Video Crosspoint Switch with Tally Outputs
BA6154 - LED level meter driver/ 5-point/ VU scale
BU8241F - Cross point mixer
GT828 - A 5-point Touch
MAX9675 - Video Crosspoint Switch
CD7796GP - 5 Points Graphic Equalizer
HA4344B - 350MHz/ 4 x 1 Video Crosspoint Switch with Synchronous Controls
AD596 - Thermocouple Conditioner and Setpoint Controller