TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon PNP Triple Diffused Typ.
SavantIC Semiconductor Product Specification Silicon PNP Power Transistors 2SA1940 DESCRIPTION ·With TO-3P(I) package ·Complem.A1940 - 2SA1940
TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon PNP Triple Diffused Type 2SA1940 Power Amplifier Applications 2SA1940 Unit: mm • Complementary to 2SC5197 • Recommended f.2SA1940 - Silicon PNP Transistor
TOSHIBA Transistor Silicon PNP Triple Diffused Type 2SA1940 Power Amplifier Applications 2SA1940 Unit: mm • Complementary to 2SC5197 • Recommended f.CXA1940N - 4ch. Read/Write Amplifier for Thin Film Head of Hard Disk Drive
CXA1940N 4ch. Read/Write Amplifier for Thin Film Head of Hard Disk Drive For the availability of this product, please contact the sales office. Descri.KTA1940 - TRIPLE DIFFUSED PNP TRANSISTOR
SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA HIGH POWER AMPLIFIER APPLICATION. FEATURES ᴌRecommended for 55W Audio Frequency Amplifier Output Stage. ᴌComplementary to.2SA1940 - POWER TRANSISTOR
isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor DESCRIPTION ·Low Collector Saturation Voltage- : VCE(sat)= -2.0V(Min) @IC= -6A ·Good Linearity of hFE ·Complement to.