a +2.5 V to +5.5 V, 230 A Dual Rail-to-Rail, V.
AD5302 - +2.5 V to +5.5 V/ 230 uA Dual Rail-to-Rail/ Voltage Output 8-/10-/12-Bit DACs
a +2.5 V to +5.5 V, 230 A Dual Rail-to-Rail, Voltage Output 8-/10-/12-Bit DACs AD5302/AD5312/AD5322* GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES AD5302: Two 8-Bit.AD53020 - Four Channel ECL Delay Line
a FEATURES Four Delay Lines with the Ability to Independently Adjust All Edges Pin Compatible and Functionally Equivalent with the BT624 Reduced Power.