a +2.5 V to +5.5 V, 230 A, Dual Rail-to-Rail V.
AD5303 - +2.5 V to +5.5 V/ 230 uA/ Dual Rail-to-Rail Voltage Output 8-/10-/12-Bit DACs
a +2.5 V to +5.5 V, 230 A, Dual Rail-to-Rail Voltage Output 8-/10-/12-Bit DACs AD5303/AD5313/AD5323* GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES AD5303: Two Buffe.AD53032 - High Performance Driver/Comparator Active Load on a Single Chip
a FEATURES 250 MHz Operation Driver/Comparator and Active Load Included On-Chip Schottky Diode Bridge 52-Lead LQFP Package with Built-in Heatsink Hig.AD53033 - High Performance Driver/Comparator on a Single Chip
a High Performance Driver/Comparator on a Single Chip AD53033 FEATURES 250 MHz Operation Driver/Comparator Included 52-Lead LQFP Package with Built.