a FEATURES Pretrimmed to ؎ 1.0% (AD532K) No Exter.
AD5328 - 8-/10-/12-Bit DACs
AD532 - Internally Trimmed Integrated Circuit Multiplier
AD5321 - Voltage-Output 8-/10-/12-Bit DACs
AD5322 - +2.5 V to +5.5 V/ 230 uA Dual Rail-to-Rail/ Voltage Output 8-/10-/12-Bit DACs
AD5320 - 12-Bit DAC
AD5323 - +2.5 V to +5.5 V/ 230 uA/ Dual Rail-to-Rail Voltage Output 8-/10-/12-Bit DACs
AD5324 - Quad Voltage Output 8-/10-/12-Bit DACs
AD5325 - 8-/10-/12-Bit DACs
AD5326 - 8-/10-/12-Bit DACs
AD5327 - 8-/10-/12-Bit DACs