Power Transistors 2SB945 Silicon PNP epitaxial pl.
B945 - 2SB945
Power Transistors 2SB945 Silicon PNP epitaxial planar type For power switching Complementary to 2SD1270 0.7±0.1 10.0±0.2 5.5±0.2 2.7±0.2 4.2±0.2 Uni.2SB945 - SILICON POWER TRANSISTOR
SavantIC Semiconductor www.DataSheet4U.com Product Specification Silicon PNP Power Transistors 2SB945 DESCRIPTION ·With TO-220Fa package ·Large co.SOB945360 - Solid State Relay
www.DataSheet.co.kr okpac S/MON/SOB945360/B/22/06/2011 page 1 / 9F/UK Relais statique biphasé de puissance Double Power Solid State Relay 1 contr.2SB945 - Silicon PNP Power Transistor
isc Silicon PNP Power Transistor DESCRIPTION ·Low Collector Saturation Voltage- : VCE(sat)= -0.5V(Max)@IC= -4A ·Good Linearity of hFE ·Large Collecto.ZTB945E - CERAMIC RESONATORS
EURO QUARTZ www.DataSheet4U.com CERAMIC RESONATORS ZTB SERIES ZTB SERIES 700kHz to 999kHz Test Circuit ZTB Series 700kHz to 999kHz 2.2 5.0 Vdd 1/.2SB945 - Power Transistors
Power Transistors 2SB0945 (2SB945) www.DataSheet4U.net Silicon PNP epitaxial planar type For power switching Complementary to 2SD1270 ■ Features • L.