
CDBHD160L-G Datasheet, Features, Application

CDBHD160L-G (CDBHD120L-G - CDBHD1100L-G) Low VF Schottky Bridge Rectifiers

Low VF Schottky Bridge Rectifiers CDBHD140L-G Thr.

Comchip Technology

CDBHD160L-G - (CDBHD120L-G - CDBHD1100L-G) Low VF Schottky Bridge Rectifiers

Low VF Schottky Bridge Rectifiers CDBHD140L-G Thru. CDBHD1100L-G Reverse Voltage: 40 to 100 Volts Forward Current: 1.0 Amp RoHS Device Features - Sc.
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