Schottky Barrier Diode COMCHIP SMD Diodes Special.
CDBW120 - Surface Mount Schottky Barrier Rectifier
Surface Mount Schottky Barrier Rectifier COMCHIP CDBW120 THRU CDBW1100 Voltage Range 20 to 100V Current 1.0 Ampere Features Low .CDBW120-G - (CDBW120-G - CDBW140-G) Schottky Barrier Diode
Schottky Barrier Diode COMCHIP SMD Diodes Specialist CDBW120-G Thru. CDBW140-G Forward current: 1.0A Reverse voltage: 20 to 40V RoHS Device Features.CDBW130-G - (CDBW120-G - CDBW140-G) Schottky Barrier Diode
Schottky Barrier Diode COMCHIP SMD Diodes Specialist CDBW120-G Thru. CDBW140-G Forward current: 1.0A Reverse voltage: 20 to 40V RoHS Device Features.CDBW140-G - (CDBW120-G - CDBW140-G) Schottky Barrier Diode
Schottky Barrier Diode COMCHIP SMD Diodes Specialist CDBW120-G Thru. CDBW140-G Forward current: 1.0A Reverse voltage: 20 to 40V RoHS Device Features.