
CYT3000A Datasheet, Features, Application

CYT3000A High power factor linear constant-current driver

CYT3000A Specification The product description CYT.


CYT3000A - High power factor linear constant-current driver

CYT3000A Specification The product description CYT3000A is a high power factor linear constant current driver on high voltage LED chips, used in LED l.
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CYT3000A - High power factor segmented linear constant current LED controller

CYT3000A LED CYT3000A CYT3000A LED,LED 。 ,±5%, REXT。 。 , ,, LED, ,LED 。    ,60mA  <±5%  :>90%  >0.95  THD: <20%   EMI  ESOP8  LED.
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